SEA Academy
All Programmes include FREE SEAA Membership for one year.
Develop your Career - ABC | 2-4 hours
£20 | Included SEAA Membership
What you will gain from this course:
Are you ready for the world of work! Even with the right work skills, applicants and new employees often lack the soft skills needed to improve chances of successful employment.
The sole purpose of this dynamic programme is to resolve this problem! This programme will equip you or your candidates with the skills needed to gain employment and assimilate most effectively in the workplace. It also helps those recently made redundant or those looking to re-enter the workplace, increasing confidence in seeking new employment in a changing market. It is a dynamic addition to the portfolio of anyone seeking employment and demonstrates a commitment to ensure you or your candidates are work-ready.
Module 1 – Developing Your Skills
Module 2 – Developing Your Personal Qualities
Module 3 – Preparing for Interviews
Module 4 - Different Ways to Work
Module 5 – Getting Started
Service Excellence Programme | 6-8 hours
Service Management Programme | 8-10 hours
Customer Service Strategy Programme | 10-12 hours
What you will gain from this programme:
Learn how to deliver outstanding service for every customer, every time, by taking our exciting online course. You will gain all the knowledge and understanding to become a customer
service professionals via straightforward modules and assessments.
Who should take this course?
The Service Excellence Programme for Customer Service Professionals is for everyone who interacts with customers, including internal customers - the colleagues you work with day-to-day. At the same time,
Today's customers expect to deal with genuine professionals representing organisations that are capable of meeting and exceeding their expectations.
The course is delivered in seven straightforward learning modules. Each one has activities and assessments to check your understanding. You will maintain a learning log and action plan, enabling you to translate your learning into real, work-based improvements.
1 Basic concept of customer service.
2 Developing relationships with your customers.
3 Features and benefits.
4 Effective communication.
5 Service excellence through teamwork.
6 Delivery systems.
7 The you factor.
£25 | Included SEAA Membership
What you will gain from this programme:
This programme will help managers and team leaders involve their teams in decision making, planning and improving. Moving beyond traditional management styles, where staff are rarely empowered to take the initiative and this programme shows you how to engage, motivate and empower your team.
​Who should take this course?
​The Service Excellence Programme for Customer Service Managers is a self-paced online programme for all managers and team leaders with the responsibility for delivering excellent standards of service. You can benefit, whether you are new to management, or are already an experienced manager.
Today's customers expect to deal with genuine professionals representing organisations that are capable of meeting and exceeding their expectations.
Learning Content
The course is delivered in nine straightforward learning modules. Each one has activities and assessments to check your understanding. You will maintain a team action plan, enabling you to translate your learning into real, work-based improvements.
1 Manager and customer service excellence.
2 Setting and communicating objectives.
3 Putting the customer first.
4 Getting the right people and resources.
5 Creating a customer-focused culture.
6 Dealing with difficult situations.
7 Making it happen.
8 Embedding innovation in your team.
9 Continuous professional development.
What you will gain from this programme:
Providing outstanding experiences for customers is essential for business success. To build a customer-centric culture, an environment must be created in which the organisation's people, processes, resources and technology are deployed in the interests of enhancing customers' experiences.
Learn how to do it by taking our online, tutor-led service strategy course. Culture change does not happen by chance, and an effective customer service strategy is often the missing link.
Once the right strategy is in place, customers' experiences will be dramatically enhanced, delivering bottom-line results. This Service Strategy will help you to deliver the customer-centric culture that your business needs.
Who should take this course?
The Customer Service Strategy is an online programme for all directors and senior managers of organisations that strive to build truly customer-centric service provision.
It delivers the knowledge and understanding you need to develop and implement a customer service strategy for your own business. It's also suitable for anyone who wants to develop their career in service management.
Today's customers expect to deal with genuine professionals representing organisations that are capable of meeting and exceeding their expectations.
£500 | Included SEAA Membership
£75 | Included SEAA Membership
SEAA'S partnership with Customer 1st UK will allow SEAA to build an impressive portfolio of customer service qualifications and networking opportunities and build a family of Africans, sharing best practices in service excellence globally and supporting one another through membership.
A very proud Father