Stephanie Edwards
MA, BA (Hons), CMICS
Director SEAA.
MD | Customer1st-online.com
Stephanie Edwards' qualifications include an MA in Marketing, BA in Business and Administration and a Certificate in Education from the University of London. She is passionate about achieving business success through service excellence and recognises the importance of developing and empowering staff at the customer interface to ensure customer satisfaction and a competitive edge.
Stephanie has worked in the customer service arena for over 2 decades supporting organisations in the creation of a customer service culture, developing service standards and a variety of customer service-related products at all levels. Stephanie has worked tirelessly with African Governments in the development of a skills agenda, particularly with a service focus. Stephanie has project managed the training and development of over 3000 employees for MTN Africa. Many African countries are now recognising that “Service matters” in the development of their economies and within the global marketplace.
Stephanie has written “The Best Practice Guide for Customer Service Professionals, and Managers” both mapped to National Occupational Standards. The Best Practice Guides have been translated into two other languages for global clients.
Stephanie held the role of International Business Advisor for the ICS and supported the Greek Government in the formation of the Hellenic Foundation of Customer Service. She also developed service excellence programmes globally, in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria Singapore, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Stephanie wrote two successful learning resources for the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) “First impressions” and ICS “Service Management”.
She also secured a major contract with Accenture (USA), as a subject matter expert in customer service, assisted the company in the development of 23 modules of e-learning in customer service for the Accenture Supply Chain Academy.
Stephanie launched the first accredited, online, tutor-led programmes in Customer Service in 2012 AND also developed "Welcome Management" and "Lead, Motivate and Succeed" for The English Tourism Council.
Stephanie has judged for the National Customer Service Awards & written articles for professional magazines and learned journals.